Typos in russian translation

Tanslation development issues for PokerTH
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Just installed your app on linux and it seems pretty nice (as nice as QT5 app can look on GTK-based distro...), but there are couple issues with translation:
1) (Minor) Not everything translated in menus.
2) There are couple silly typos for russian language. On same word, but in different places:
The very first (Main) window on button number 4 (Join network game) and inside Internet game lobby on "Join game" button. Both have "Присоединится" instead of "Присоединиться" (one letter skipped and thus in russian your button says something like "(someone) Will Join" instead of just Join).

First i decided to go to github to maybe help fix that one, but turns out it has been already fixed on github last year.
I suppose translation to Russian might not be the top priority issue given world situation, but it really looks silly. And fix is already there on github for at least 4 months (it says "Russian translation improvements" near TS folder and marks change as Last Year)

Also russian translation still has same typo in another place (not sure where i can find it in app itself, but ts file has it on line 2324)

Code: Select all

        <source>Join &amp;any game</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Присоединится к &amp;любой игре</translation>
Should be "Присоединиться" too
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Hi korn3r,

thank you for info.

I will merge new pull requests on github soon.

Releasing a new client for linux and windows might take way longer, as we did not plan to do more QT based releases. Mac OS and Android is also no more option so far, because it's too much time intensive just to build the binaries - if then I'd prefer to continue on our HTML5 client project which also stalled a while.

Kind regards,
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... I checked pull requests and last commits: I found the previous pull request and the russian language fix is already inside stable branch.

Try to build your own client with these changes - as I mentioned: there will propably be no future qt-binary releases. I can imagine something like a flatpak release in between - Mailaender already worked on it:

https://github.com/pokerth/pokerth/comm ... 33412d61fd

... I did not yet test it though.
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