BBC Step 1

Moderator: Huckleberry

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BBC Step1 # 6794 - 2024-09-04 21:30:00

1. fog 89 wins with [7♠,A♠] Two Pair
2. Maxwell 89 eliminated by fog
3. Zhappot 88 eliminated by fog
4. YoYoMaster 87 eliminated by fog
5. EINIM4NT 84 eliminated by Zhappot
6. joanna1 81 eliminated by Zhappot
7. Huckleberry 74 eliminated by joanna1
8. Red Gremlin 69 eliminated by Maxwell
9. spoof 57 eliminated by YoYoMaster
10. Fraifrai 51 eliminated by fog

Congratulations to fog & Maxwell

Bravo Zhappot

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BBC Step1 # 6795 - 2024-09-04 23:15:00

1. Yes 179 wins with [8♥,9♥] One Pair
2. lennyandcarl 179 eliminated by Yes
3. Fraifrai 123 eliminated by Yes
4. Linux_Mint_User 102 eliminated by Fraifrai
5. Falli 83 eliminated by Yes
6. Danek 68 eliminated by Fraifrai
7. Papageno 67 eliminated by Yes
8. sam289 58 eliminated by Yes
9. Johanna 17 eliminated by Linux_Mint_User
10. fog 6 eliminated by Falli

Congratulations to Yes & lennyandcarl

Bravo Fraifrai

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BBC Step1 # 6796 - 2024-09-05 01:00:00

1. Falli 133 wins with [A♣,8♠] One Pair
2. adeadwombat 133 eliminated by Falli
3. Horanda1 90 eliminated by Falli
4. Linux_Mint_User 74 eliminated by Falli
5. DeDinoPoker 60 eliminated by adeadwombat
6. Frinkenstein 60 eliminated by adeadwombat
7. need_a_win 53 eliminated by DeDinoPoker
8. noob 42 eliminated by DeDinoPoker
9. DerSchlesier 37 eliminated by adeadwombat
10. Johanna 33 eliminated by DeDinoPoker

Congratulations to Falli & adeadwombat

Bravo Horanda1

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BBC Step1 # 6797 - 2024-09-05 19:30:00 T2

1. de_insulaner 92 wins with [8♣,9♠] Two Pair
2. fog 92 eliminated by de_insulaner
3. Huckleberry 71 eliminated by de_insulaner
4. joanna1 56 eliminated by fog
5. Bad Hobbit2 43 eliminated by fog
6. Randagino 37 eliminated by fog
7. jalaffa 24 eliminated by fog
8. Grisha 17 eliminated by fog
9. Antedepressiva 15 eliminated by joanna1
10. Bonfire 4 eliminated by fog

Congratulations to de_insulaner & fog

Bravo Huckleberry

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BBC Step1 # 6798 - 2024-09-05 19:30:00

1. Red Gremlin 103 wins with [K♦,3♦] Flush
2. Zhappot 103 eliminated by Red Gremlin
3. lennyandcarl 99 eliminated by Zhappot
4. EINIM4NT 97 eliminated by Red Gremlin
5. Linux_Mint_User 93 eliminated by Red Gremlin
6. akia 91 eliminated by Zhappot
7. Jogy 64 eliminated by Linux_Mint_User
8. vanya5k 61 eliminated by Linux_Mint_User
9. win me?? 53 eliminated by Linux_Mint_User
10. alexsav 41 eliminated by Zhappot

Congratulations to Red Gremlin & Zhappot

Bravo lennyandcarl

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BBC Step1 # 6800 - 2024-09-05 21:30:00

1. jggimi 110 wins with [4♦,6♦] Straight
2. Grisha 110 eliminated by jggimi
3. tobbi 99 eliminated by Grisha
4. joanna1 58 eliminated by Grisha
5. cabestan17 49 eliminated by Grisha
6. YoYoMaster 45 eliminated by jggimi
7. crusader 42 eliminated by tobbi
8. Zhappot 30 eliminated by tobbi
9. Fraifrai 29 eliminated by tobbi
10. aussie_poker 22 eliminated by Grisha

Congratulations to jggimi & Grisha

Bravo tobbi

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BBC Step1 # 6801 - 2024-09-05 23:15:00

1. Yes 205 wins with [T♠,J♣] Straight
2. tobbi 205 eliminated by Yes
3. Danek 150 eliminated by Yes
4. Papageno 120 eliminated by Yes
5. coruja 91 eliminated by Danek
6. DerSchlesier 74 eliminated by tobbi
7. Falli 61 eliminated by DerSchlesier
8. offcorse 53
9. gst 1 eliminated by Yes
10. Fraifrai 1 eliminated by Yes

Congratulations to Yes & tobbi

Bravo Danek

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BBC Step1 # 6803 - 2024-09-06 19:30:00

1. Saxe88 126 wins with [A♦,2♣] Two Pair
2. EINIM4NT 126 eliminated by Saxe88
3. lennyandcarl 93 eliminated by Saxe88
4. Jogy 86 eliminated by EINIM4NT
5. vanya5k 80 eliminated by Saxe88
6. Orbison 67 eliminated by EINIM4NT
7. akia 62 eliminated by Saxe88
8. Zhappot 42 eliminated by Orbison
9. Bonfire 32 eliminated by EINIM4NT
10. fog 9 eliminated by Orbison

Congratulations to Saxe88 & EINIM4NT

Bravo lennyandcarl

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BBC Step1 # 6804 - 2024-09-06 19:30:00 T2

1. Huckleberry 100 wins with [J♠,J♣] Two Pair
2. nucleus24 100 eliminated by Huckleberry
3. Red Gremlin 92 eliminated by Huckleberry
4. crusader 90 eliminated by Huckleberry
5. Grisha 78 eliminated by nucleus24
6. joanna1 60 eliminated by Grisha
7. Jasse 57 eliminated by crusader
8. novihok_1 54 eliminated by nucleus24
9. win me?? 42 eliminated by Red Gremlin
10. Freedomwolf 30 eliminated by joanna1

Congratulations to Huckleberry & nucleus24

Bravo Red Gremlin

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BBC Step1 # 6805 - 2024-09-06 21:30:00

1. Jogy 89 wins with [4♣,5♦] Two Pair
2. de_insulaner 89 eliminated by Jogy
3. offcorse 82 eliminated by de_insulaner
4. Saxe88 63 eliminated by de_insulaner
5. jggimi 62 eliminated by de_insulaner
6. Orbison 59 eliminated by offcorse
7. Icebear 46 eliminated by Jogy
8. Red Gremlin 46 eliminated by Jogy
9. vanya5k 36 eliminated by Saxe88
10. joanna1 28 eliminated by de_insulaner

Congratulations to Jogy & de_insulaner

Bravo offcorse

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