♣ ♥ ♠ ♦ BBC Step1 # 6794 - 2024-09-04 21:30:00 ♦ ♠ ♥ ♣
1. fog 89 wins with [7♠,A♠] Two Pair
2. Maxwell 89 eliminated by fog
3. Zhappot 88 eliminated by fog
4. YoYoMaster 87 eliminated by fog
5. EINIM4NT 84 eliminated by Zhappot
6. joanna1 81 eliminated by Zhappot
7. Huckleberry 74 eliminated by joanna1
8. Red Gremlin 69 eliminated by Maxwell
9. spoof 57 eliminated by YoYoMaster
10. Fraifrai 51 eliminated by fog
2. Maxwell 89 eliminated by fog
3. Zhappot 88 eliminated by fog
4. YoYoMaster 87 eliminated by fog
5. EINIM4NT 84 eliminated by Zhappot
6. joanna1 81 eliminated by Zhappot
7. Huckleberry 74 eliminated by joanna1
8. Red Gremlin 69 eliminated by Maxwell
9. spoof 57 eliminated by YoYoMaster
10. Fraifrai 51 eliminated by fog
Congratulations to fog & Maxwell
Bravo Zhappot