What is the server list url now?
The URL is http://pokerth.net/serverlist.xml.z - in the client settings do without http://
If that does not help, please try a factory reset (last option in client settings) ... and if you're on linux:
make sure to set recursive read permissions on folder.
If that does not help, please try a factory reset (last option in client settings) ... and if you're on linux:
make sure to set recursive read permissions on
Code: Select all
Can't confirm, works for me.
How to register: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=29
Reset password: https://www.pokerth.net/app.php/user/forgot_password
Reset password: https://www.pokerth.net/app.php/user/forgot_password
http://pokerth.net/serverlist.xml.z works fine here. Don't use https.
How to register: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=29
Reset password: https://www.pokerth.net/app.php/user/forgot_password
Reset password: https://www.pokerth.net/app.php/user/forgot_password